Missouri Mountain, Sawatch Range, 14,067 feet

Miles: 10.8 (Out and Back) Total Elevation Gain: approx. 4,600 ft Net Elevation Gain: approx. 4450 The days continue to get shorter as we progress through the month of August. There is a sense of urgency in the air to attempt our final summer…

Huron Peak via the Northwest Slopes, 14,003 ft

Max Elevation: 14,003 ft.  Min Elevation: 10,713 ft.  Net Elevation Gain: 3,320 ft. Distance: 7 miles (out-and-back) Difficulty: Class 2 For the 4th of July weekend, we decided to head out with Will and Moses to the Sawatch Range and camp in the San Isabel…

Mount Massive via Southwest Slopes: 14,421 ft

Distance: 8.06 miles (out and back) Elevation Gain: 4,037 ft. (net) Max Elevation: 14,421 ft. Min. Elevation: 10,384 ft. 14er # 13 We drove once again into the land of the gentle giants a mere 6 days later to tackle our next objective in the Sawatch Range, Mount Massive. Massive…

La Plata Peak: Sawatch Range

Distance: 9.38 miles (out and back) Elevation Gain: 4,314 ft. (total) 4,114 ft (net) Max Elevation: 14,209 ft. Min. Elevation: 10,095 ft. Winter is coming. And unlike Game of Thrones, it is actually approaching rather quickly, more so, in fact, than we would like. Having an extra day off this past…