Mt. Elbert Summit: 14,433 ft

Distance: 9.62 miles (out and back)  Elevation Gain: 4,408 ft (total) 4,377 ft (net) Max Elevation: 14,433 ft  Min. Elevation: 10,056 ft All week long we constantly monitored Mountain Forecast for conditions atop Colorado’s highest peak, Mount Elbert, hoping for an opportunity to summit this spectacular mountain. Nestled about 115 miles southwest…

Quandary Peak Summit: 14,265 ft

Distance: 6.84 miles (out and back)  Elevation Gain: 3,364 ft (total) 3,371ft (net)  Max Elevation: 14,265 ft  Min. Elevation: 10,901 ft It felt as though we had only just closed our eyes when we were gently roused by the sounds of The Head and the Heart streaming out of the phone at 3:45…

Grays Peak Summit: 14er

Distance: 7.7 miles (out and back)  Elevation Gain: 3,239 ft (total) 3,034 ft (net)  Max Elevation: 14,274 ft  Min. Elevation: 11,240 ft With summer gone for the year and thus the lingering darkness in the early morning hours, we opted for a 5:00 am wake up time instead of 3:30 am for our…

Mount Spalding: Summit Lake

Distance: 2.55 miles (out and back)  Elevation Gain: 1,314 ft (total) 978 ft (net)  Max Elevation: 13,827 ft  Min. Elevation: 12,849 ft This weekend was quite an adventure. Our friends Catherine and Steve were married and their wedding was in Pine, Colorado, which is just outside of Evergreen. Well, we noticed that Mount…