Interview with Terry Grosz

Interview with Terry Grosz Written by Thomas Checkley Terry Grosz is an award winning writer of 15 books and a legendary game warden. How we met and I ended up sitting on his porch interviewing him is a story unto itself. Last year I was…

Mills Lake and Black Lake: RMNP

Distance: 10.6 miles (out and back and exploration) Elevation Gain: 2,367 ft (total gain)   Max Elevation: 11,007 ft  Min. Elevation: 9,224 ft The map on the left is our route from TH to Black Lake. The map on the right shows our route past Black Lake and displays relative locations of…

Sky Pond and more: RMNP

Distance: 9.73 miles (out and back) Elevation Gain: 2,405 ft (total gain) Max Elevation: 11,926 ft Min. Elevation: 9,212 ft Last summer we enjoyed a nice, long hike that led us to stops at Nymph Lake, Dream Lake, Lake Haiyaha, The Loch, Timberline Falls, Alberta Falls,…

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