Bluebird Lake Rocky Mountain National Park

Distance: 12.44 miles (out and back) Elevation Gain: 2,974 ft. (net)  Max. Elevation: 11,016 ft. Min. Elevation: 8,527 ft. Date hiked: November 6, 2016 The cool evenings and brisk winds of fall brought us crunchy leaves beneath our feet and colors of brown and…

Thunder Lake Wild Basin: RMNP

A week away from the summer solstice, we decided to try our luck with a mountain hike in Rocky Mountain National Park. The weather has been memorable to say the least this year in Colorado, and we weren’t entirely sure what to expect on…

Sandbeach Lake Wild Basin: RMNP

Distance: 9.03 miles (out and back) Elevation Gain: 2,097 (total) 1,984 (net) Max Elevation: 10,348 ft  Min. Elevation: 8,364 ft This past Saturday we headed to one of our favorite spots in all of Colorado: Wild Basin in Rocky Mountain National Park. While most of the…

Ouzel Falls and Lake: Wild Basin

Distance: 11.13 miles (out-and-back; spurs) Elevation Gain: 1,702 ft  Max Elevation: 10,033 ft  Min. Elevation: 8,517 ft For our Fourth of July celebration, we thought what better way to celebrate than by exploring a little bit more of the country on foot. Thus, early on Independence Day morning…