Lair o’ the Bear Park

It continues to be gorgeous weather here in the Front Range and so we decided to go hiking with Will and Moses in the Foothills on Saturday, November 12th.  We had heard of a little park called Lair o’ the Bear Park near Morrison…

Bluebird Lake Rocky Mountain National Park

Distance: 12.44 miles (out and back) Elevation Gain: 2,974 ft. (net)  Max. Elevation: 11,016 ft. Min. Elevation: 8,527 ft. Date hiked: November 6, 2016 The cool evenings and brisk winds of fall brought us crunchy leaves beneath our feet and colors of brown and…

RMNP: Mummy Range and Old Fall River Road

As we attempted to turn a hairpin and ascend up yet another switchback on the dusty dirt road, the car lurched into a deep rut, tilting the car and placing the passenger side closer to the ground than comfortable. We all cried out briefly…

Dinosaur Ridge and Dakota Ridge

Distance: 2.54 miles (out-and-back; spurs) Elevation Gain: 442 ft  Max Elevation: 5,963 ft  Min. Elevation: 6,366 ft This past weekend was a very rainy and thunderstorm filled weekend when Thomas’ mother came to visit us.  Since she’s an elementary school teacher we thought this was an ideal time to check…