Mount Flora and Colorado Mines Peak Exploration

    8.7 miles ( Elevation Gain: 2,356 ft. (total) Max Elevation: 13,146 ft. Min. Elevation: 11,334 ft.         About two week ago on (September 12th) we drove up the long winding Hwy 40 towards Winter Park, CO. Instead of continuing on to the snow covered slopes…

Mount Massive via Southwest Slopes: 14,421 ft

Distance: 8.06 miles (out and back) Elevation Gain: 4,037 ft. (net) Max Elevation: 14,421 ft. Min. Elevation: 10,384 ft. 14er # 13 We drove once again into the land of the gentle giants a mere 6 days later to tackle our next objective in the Sawatch Range, Mount Massive. Massive…