Mount of the Holy Cross via the North Ridge Route

Distance: 12 miles (out and back) Elevation Gain: 5,649 ft. (total) Max Elevation: 14,005 ft. Min. Elevation: 10,311 ft. For years, rumors circulated that a natural cross could be found deep in the rugged back country of Colorado. Until photographer W.H. Jackson produced the famous photograph in his geographical survey expedition…

McCullough Gulch 2015

We decided to hike McCullough Gulch again, but this time with different company: Thomas’ Mom.  Last year we hiked McCullough Gulch on a trip for Allyson’s birthday and the trip report can be found here: McCullough Gulch 2014.  This year’s hike brought new adventures and…

Cub Lake, The Pool, and Fern Falls: Rocky Mountain National Park

We’ve been to Rocky Mountain National Park many many times before, but have only explored a small fraction of what her 415 square miles have to offer. After a tough climb above 14,000 feet the prior weekend, we were craving some relaxing lower elevation…

DeCaLiBron: Mt. Democrat, Mt. Cameron, Mt. Lincoln, Mt. Bross

  During the late afternoon hours of July 23rd, we grabbed our camping gear and day hiking packs and loaded up the truck for an overnight adventure to complete the famous “DeCalibron”. The DeCalibron is a 7 mile, high altitude loop trail that allows…